Recovering a boot partition
Detailed instructions on how to recover a boot partition without losing files
Last updated
Detailed instructions on how to recover a boot partition without losing files
Last updated
You can create them from another device
We don't need to click anything, we don't need to follow the Windows installation procedure!
To invoke the command line we need to press the key combination ‘SHIFT+F10’
After invoking the command prompt in the Windows installation window, you need to enter the commands :
The first command is ‘diskpart’ then ‘list vol’, a selection of discs will appear, you need to select your boot sector ‘sel vol 5’ where ‘5’ is your boot sector, it is usually 100MB in size and FAT32 format.
Next enter the command ‘assign letter z’, then the command ‘exit’, followed by ‘Bcdboot c:/\windows /s z: /f all', where 'c:' is your system drive.
If you have done everything correctly, switch off the computer, remove the flash drive, and switch on the computer.
There, you've restored the system!